Inglise keele õppekavad põhikooli noortele



Inglise keele õppekava iseloomustab põhjalikkus ja jätkusuutlikkus. 14 aasta jooksul saavad lapsed järjepidevalt omandada, täiendada ja parandada inglise keele oskusi. Inglise keele õppekavas on 14 erinevat ainekava. Lapsed võivad alustada oma Keeltekeskuse õpinguid veel eelkoolis ning liikudes kursuselt kursusele lõpetada Keeltekeskuse viimase ainekavaga – Gold Experience C1. Lapsed võivad liituda kursustega ka hiljem – iga edukalt läbitud õppeaasta eest väljastatakse tunnistus.

Koolieelikutele mõeldud ainekavad English Adventure Starter A ja English Adventure Starter B on 30-tunnised(ak.t).

Algkoolile mõeldud ainekavad Team Together Starter, Team Together 1, Team Together 2 ja Team Together 3 on 60-tunnised(ak.t).

Põhikooli õpilastele mõeldud ainekavad Gold Experience A1, Gold Experience A2, Gold Experience A2+, Gold Experience B1 ja Gold Experience B1+ on 80- tunnised(ak.t).

Gümnaasiumi õpilastele mõeldud ainekavad Gold Experience B2, Gold Experience B2+ ja Gold Experience C1 on 80- tunnised(ak.t).

Õppetöö algab septembri keskel ja kestab kuni mai keskpaigani. Õppevaheajad ühilduvad üldhariduskooliga.

Tunnid toimuvad 1 või 2 korda nädalas vastavalt ainekava mahule. Üks akadeemiline tund kestab 45 minutit.

1. Inglise keele õppekava eesmärgid ja ülesanded on

1.1. kujundada, toetada ja arendada laste keeleõppehuvi, pakkuda keelte süvaõpet ja

soodustada õppurite isiksuse mitmekülgset arengut;

1.2. saavutada keeleoskuse selline tase, mis võimaldab selles keeles igapäevastes situatsioonides suhelda, lugeda ja mõista eakohaseid originaaltekste (EL keelemapi B2 tase);

1.3. luua selline õppekeskkond, kus õpilased oleksid huvitatud keelte õppimisest.

1.4. õpetada last hindama oma keeleõppesaavutusi ja täitma keelemappi;

1.5. ette valmistada õpilasi rahvusvaheliste eksamite tegemiseks, et saada oma edukusele rahvusvaheline hinnang ja valmistuda koolieksamiks;

1.6. pakkuda lastele eduelamusi ja tunnustust;

1.7. arendada õpilastel oskusi edaspidisteks võõrkeelte õppimisteks;

1.8. arendada oskusi väljendamaks enese ja rühma seisukohti;

1.9. õpetada õpilasi rakendama oma loovust, fantaasiat ja sotsiaalseid oskusi.

2. Õpingute alustamise tingimused

2.1. lapse soov õppida valitud keelt Keeltekeskuses ja koolituse tellija (lapsevanema või vanema esindaja) nõusolek täita tellija kohustusi;

2.2. Keeltekeskuse võimalus pakkuda lapsele koolitust sobival ajal, sobiva hinna

ja sobiva tasemega;

2.3. õppija tase ja motivatsioon selgitatakse vestluse käigus koolituse korraldajaga ja eeltesti põhjal. Kui õppija läheb üle ühelt kursuselt teisele või tuleb õppima koolieelikute rühma, siis eeltesti ei toimu.

3. Õppeainete valiku võimalused ja tingimused

Igale astmele (eelkool, algkool, põhikool ja gümnaasium) vastab mitu erineva raskusega ainekava. Õppijale pakutakse testi alusel valida ühe astme ulatuses kahe järjestikku seisva kergema ja raskema programmi vahel – see, mis vastab õppija nõudlusnivoole ja ei pidurda rühma õppetegevuse tempot.

4.Kursuse lõpetamise nõuded

Iga kursuse lõpus, välja arvatud eelkoolis, sooritab õppur lõputesti, omal soovil rahvusvahelise eksami. Eksamitele lubatakse õppureid, kes on läbinud edukalt vähemalt 75% õppeprogrammist.


1. New English Adventure Starter A

2. New English Adventure Starter B

3. Team Together Starter

4. Team Together 1

5. Team Together 2

6. Team Together 3

7. Gold Experience A1

8. Gold Experience A2

9. Gold Experience A2+

10. Gold Experience B1

11. Gold Experience B1+

12. Gold Experience B2

13. Gold Experience B2+

14. Gold Experience C1


7) ÕPPEAINE NIMETUS: Gold Experience A1

Õppeaine maht: 80 akadeemilist tundi (1 ak.t tunni pikkus 45 min)

Kontrolli vorm: lõputest

Õppe kestus: 9 kuud (september-mai)


Gold Experience A1 kursuse eesmärgiks on:

– huvi äratamine ja säilitamine inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ja nende kultuuri vastu;

– õpetada erinevaid lugemis- ja kuulamisstrateegiaid;

– arendada iseseisva mõtlemise ja analüüsi võimet;

– arendada oskust väljendada enese ja rühma seisukohti raskematel abstraktsetel teemadel.

– õpetada oma kõnet ladusalt ja loogiliselt organiseerima.


  • Jätkuvalt kasutatakse suulise eelnevuse printsiipi: see, mida laps hakkab lugema ja kirjutama, omandatakse eelnevalt suulises kõnes.
  • Kompleksselt arendatakse kõiki osaoskusi.
  • Õpimotivatsiooni säilitamiseks ja tulemuslikumaks õppimiseks kasutatakse erinevaid töömeetodeid (paaris- ja rühmatöö, projekt, rollimäng, intervjueerimine, dramatiseering jms) ning meediavahendeid (video, arvuti).
  • Õpitakse tundma erinevaid õpistrateegiaid, mis aitavad edaspidi iseseisvalt töötada, kujunevad eeldused teiste võõrkeelte kiiremaks õppimiseks.
  • Kuulamis- ja lugemisstrateegiate arendamine, töö sõnavaraga, sõnaraamatutega, kuid ka mälu- ja kognitiivsete strateegiate tundmaõppimine, aitavad õpilasel keelelist infot kiiremini ja kindlamalt meelde jätta.


Kõnearendus, kuulamis-, suhtlemisoskuste kujundamine (teemad):


Welcome to my world


topic posts about family

skill identifying personal information

Grammar: possessive adjectives; possessive ‘s; to be – present simple

Vocabulary: numbers, family words, the alphabet, months, countries, nationalities


topic dates and nationalities

skill listening to numbers and places


topic speaking about dates and preferences

skill reporting personal information

Come in


topic a birthday party-story;

skill using photos to understand text;

task sentence completion

Grammar: there is/there are (+some/any); have got

Vocabulary: things in a room, prepositions of place, the home


topic homes around the world;

skill choosing the correct picture;

task multiple-choice (pictures)


topic phone conversations;

skill using appropriate levels of formality;

task make a phone call


topic favourite things;

skill using capital letters;

task make a personal profile

What a week!


topic a different school day;

skill looking at the questions before you read;

task multiple-choice cloze

Grammar: present simple: positive and negative; present simple: questions and short answers

Vocabulary: everyday activities, free time activities


topic going to school;

skill writing numbers;

task gap-fill


topic a school timetable;

skill answering questions about you;

task answering questions about your day


topic favourite days;

skill using punctuation;

task write interview questions

Animal magic


topic what are armadillos like?;

skill choosing a word for a gap;

task gapped text with picture cues

Grammar: adverbs of frequency; present simple: question words

Vocabulary: animals, the world around us


topic – an Australian nature reserve;

skill – reading questions before you listen;

task – matching


topic similarities and differences between animals;

skill saying what you think and why;

task picture sets


topic fairy penguins;

skill using and, but;

task write a description of an animal

Let’s explore


topic a real-world adventure game;

skill choosing an answer;

task multiple-choice cloze

Grammar: imperatives; must/mustn’t; can/can’t; object pronouns

Vocabulary: buildings and places in town, vehicles


topic a game app;

skill finding things in a picture;

task gap fill


topic visiting a new place;

skill finding your way around;

task ask for help


topic notes, lists and messages;

skill identifying information to include;

task write a message

Fun with food


topic Mexican Day of the Dead;

skill thinking before you read;

task – comprehension questions

Grammar: present continuous (all forms); countable and uncountable nouns with a/some/any

Vocabulary: food and drink, the weather


topic a kite festival;

skill finding people in a picture;

task matching


topic good and bad weather;

skill talking about pictures;

task find differences between two pictures


topic planning a party;

skill making notes;

task write a description of a party

Back in time


topic a TV show about the past;

skill finding the right type of word;

task gapped text with picture cues

Grammar: past simple: be; past simple: regular verbs

Vocabulary: adjectives to describe things; things we do (verbs)


topic a night in a castle;

skill identifying information you need;

task multiple choice (picures)


topic life in the past;

skill supporting a partner;

task talk about a picture


topic a pirate museum;

skill choosing the right word;

task write a blog post

Bright sparks


topic amazing teenagers;

skill identifying words that go together;

task sentence completion

Grammar: past simple: irregular verbs and questions; past simple: question words

Vocabulary: jobs, irregular verbs


topic making a robot for competition;

skill spelling words carefully;

task gap fill


topic the model plane (picture story);

skill using linking words;

task tell a story from pictures


topic a personal story;

skill making your writing clear;

task write about a famous person

Top to toe


topic friends and twins – physical appearance;

skill reading quickly;

task multiple-choice cloze

Grammar: comparative adjectives, superlative adjectives

Vocabulary: parts of the body, clothes


topic people with world records;

skill guessing an answer;

task gap fill


topic unusual world records;

skill making a guess;

task make guesses about pictures


topic a visit to a pet shop;

skill writing a story based on pictures;

task write a short story

School’s out


topic different sports to try;

skill transferring information;

task matching

Grammar: be going to; like/love + -ing; want to + infinitive

Vocabulary: sport and activities, health problems


topic future dreams;

skill checking answers;

task multiple choice (short texts)


topic talking about plans;

skill interacting with a partner;

task plan an activity weekend


topic holiday activities;

skill setting out a clear message;

task write a postcard

Films and friends


topic a film academy;

task multiple choice cloze


topic making a film;

task multiple choice (dialogue)


topic different types of film;

task exchange opinions


topic favourite films;

task write a review


Tegusõna: to be – present simple; present simple: positive and negative; present simple: questions and short answers; adverbs of frequency; present simple: questions words; imperatives; present continuous (all forms); past simple: be; past simple: regular verbs; past simple: irregular verbs and questions; past simple: question words

Nimisõna: object pronouns; countable and uncountable nouns with a/some/any; 

Omadussõna: possessive adjectives; comparative adjectives; superlative adjectives; adjectives to describe things

Sõnavara: numbers, family words, months, countries, nationalities, things in a room, the home, everyday activities, free time activities, animals, the world around us, buildings and places in town, vehicles, food and drink, the weather, things we do, jobs, parts of the body, clothes, sport and activities, health problems



– Oskab rääkida kuupäevadest ja eelistustest; oskab teha telefonikõnet; oskab rääkida endast ning vastata küsimustele oma päeva kohta; oskab öelda oma arvamust ning põhjendada; oskab küsida abi; oskab rääkida heast ja halvast ilmast; oskab pildi põhjal rääkida; oskab rääkida oma plaanidest; oskab vahetada arvamusi

– Oskab kirjutada isiklikku profiili; intervjuu küsimusi; kirjeldust loomast; sõnumit; kirjeldust peost; blogipostitust; kuulsast inimesest; lühijuttu; postkaarti ja arvustust.

– Oskab kasutada fotosid, et tekstist aru saada; oskab teksti lünka valida sobiva sõna: vaatab küsimusi enne teksti lugemist; oskab tuvastada sõnu, mis kokku käivad; oskab informatsiooni edasi anda

– Oskab lihtsat kuulates õigeid pilte valida; numbreid kirjutada; leida asju pildilt; ära tunda informatsiooni, mida vajab


– Carolyn Barraclough „Gold Experience A1“ Student’s Book 2nd Edition

– Lucy Frino „Gold Experience A1“ Workbook 2nd Edition

– Clementine Annabell „Gold Experience A1“  Teacher`s Book 2nd Edition

– Pearson Practice English App

– Teacher’s online resource materials

8) ÕPPEAINE NIMETUS: Gold Experience A2

Õppeaine maht: 80 akadeemilist tundi (1 ak.t tunni pikkus 45 min)

Kontrolli vorm: lõputest

Õppe kestus: 9 kuud (september-mai)


Gold Experience A2 kursuse eesmärgiks on:

– õpetada kasutama keelt loomulikes olukordades, lugeda ja mõista eakohaseid võõrkeelseid originaaltekste;

– tekitada ja säilitada huvi võõrkeelte õppimise vastu ja selle kaudu laiendada silmaringi;

– huvi äratamine ja säilitamine õpitavat keelt kõnelevate maade ja nende kultuuri vastu;

– õpetada erinevaid lugemis- ja kuulamisstrateegiaid;

– arendada iseseisva mõtlemise ja analüüsi võimet;

– arendada oskust väljendada enese ja rühma seisukohti;

– õpetama hankima vajalikku teavet (ka teiste õppeainete jaoks) võõrkeelsetest teatmeteostest, sõnaraamatutest, Internetist ja muudest infoallikatest.


– jätkuvalt kasutatakse suulise eelnevuse printsiipi: seda, mida laps hakkab lugema ja kirjutama, omandatakse eelnevalt suulises kõnes. Kompleksselt arendatakse kõiki osaoskusi;

– õppimisprotsessis kasutatakse erinevaid töömeetodeid (paaris- ja rühmatöö, projekt, rollimäng, dramatiseering, intervjueerimine jms) ning meediavahendeid (video, online-materjalid);

– kuulamis- ja lugemisstrateegiate arendamine, töö sõnavaraga, sõnaraamatuga, aitavad õpilasel keelelist infot kiiremini ja kindlamalt meelde jätta.

– süvendatakse iseseisva õppimise oskust (õpitakse tundma erinevaid õpistrateegiaid, mis aitavad edaspidi iseseisvalt töötada).


Kõnearendus, kuulamis-, suhtlemisoskuste kujundamine (teemad):

Starter This is me!

Reading: short texts with personal information

Grammar: have got; be present simple; there is/are; countable and uncountable nouns; some/any

Vocabulary: family, identity, classroom language, clothing

Listening: listen to someone talking about their family; classroom language; spelling

Speaking: talking about your family; classroom language

My Time


topic teens with interesting hobbies;

skill reading a simple text and extracting factual detail;

task matching

Grammar: present simple and adverbs of frequency; much/many

Vocabulary: free time; verbs to nouns; free time collocations


topic cooking day at a local café;

skill listening for specific information;

task gap-fill


topic free time;

skill talking about likes/dislikes and what you’re good at;

task asking and answering questions about free time


topic clubs;

skill writing invitations;

task an email(invitation)

Are you online?


topic learning to vlog;

skill understanding the gist of a simple text with visual support;

task open cloze

Grammar: talking about now; present simple and present continuous

Vocabulary: technology words; technology collocations


topic tecæology;

skill extracting factual information from simple speech;

task multiple choice(pictures)


topic a school tecæology day;

skill describing a photo using prepositions of place;

task describing photos


topic apps;

skill writing short descriptive paragraphs using simple connectors;

task a paragraph

The right answer


topic music and studying;

skill finding specific information;

task multiple choice, open cloze

Grammar: past simple regular and irregular verbs; past simple questions and short answers

Vocabulary: school and education; school words; places in school; school collocations


topic – schools around the world;

skill – listening for specific information;

task – multiple choice


topic first day at school;

skill asking and answering questions about the past;

task talking about the first day at school


topic a different school day;

skill ordering events;

task a description

Open 24/7


topic a new way to shop;

skill finding specific information;

task open cloze

Grammar: comparative adjectives; superlative adjectives

Vocabulary: shopping; shopping verbs; prices


topic lost in a shopping centre;

skill listening for specific information;

task multiple choice


topic services in town;

skill asking for directions;

task asking and answering questions


topic my favourite shop;

skill planning your ideas;

task a review

That’s entertainment


topic cinemas with a difference;

skill understanding a simple text about a past event;

task matching

Grammar: past continuous; past continuous and past simple;

Vocabulary: entertainment; entertainment nouns and verbs;


topic entertainment;

skill extracting key factual information;

task multiple choice (pictures)


topic weekend entertainment activities;

skill saying how you feel about something;

task discussion


topic entertainment;

skill writing a simple story describing the main events;

task a story

Are we there yet?


topic How do you like to travel?;

skill reading for specific detail;

task multiple choice

Grammar: talking about the future: be going to and will; present continuous for future

Vocabulary: travel and transport; travel verbs


topic What makes your holidays fun?;

skill identifying information in a conversation;

task matching


topic Do you prefer winter or summer holidays?;

skill asking about the future;

task pairwork


topic school trips;

skill answering three content points;

task an email

Team spirit


topic sport lessons;

skill extracting factual information from simple texts;

task multiple-choice cloze

Grammar: ability: can/could; possibility: can; obligation: have to/had to

Vocabulary: sports and equipment; sports collocations


topic sport;

skill extracting factual information from short, simple texts;

task multiple choice (pictures)


topic sport;

skill making and replying to requests;

task asking and answering questions


topic sport stars;

skill answering questions;

task a paragraph about a new hobby

Wild world


topic National Mountain Day;

skill understanding a text about recent experiences;

task matching

Grammar: present perfect; present perfect with ever and never

Vocabulary: the natural world; weather


topic I’ve seen a bear!;

skill listening for specific information;

task three-option multiple choice


topic outdoor fun, whatever the weather;

skill giving an opinion;

task discussion


topic teens say what they want on holiday;

skill using informal language;

task an e-card

Feeling good


topic Tiny Kitchen;

skill reading for detail;

task multiple choice

Grammar: first conditional; advice: should

Vocabulary: food and health; health collocations


topic fun food;

skill writing down information;

task gap-fill


topic everyday activities;

skill choosing your favourite idea;

task discussion


topic the perfect medicine;

skill producing simple narratives;

task a story

The place to be!


topic places;

skill understanding key information in short messages and everyday signs and notices;

task multiple choice (discrete); multiple-choice cloze


topic various;

skill extracting key factual information from short, clear, simple announcements;

task multiple choice (text)


topic home;

skill answering questions on a topic and giving an extended response

task interview


topic places to go on holiday;

skill writing an email invitation to a friend; writing a simple story describing main events;

task an email (invitation); a story


Tegusõna: present simple, present continuous, past simple regular and irregular verbs, past continuous, present continuous for future, present perfect. Adverbs of frequency. Modal verbs.

Nimisõna: countable/uncountable, verbs to nouns

Omadussõna: comparative and superlative

Sõnavara: family, identity, clothing, school, free time, technology, shopping, entertainment, travel, sports, weather, food and health



– Oskab rääkida oma perekonnast; esimesest koolipäevast, oskab väljendada oma tundeid, mis meeldib/ei meeldi; oskab küsida teejuhiseid; küsida ja vastata päringutele; küsida tuleviku kohta

– Oskab kirjutada kutset; lihtsat juttu; kirjeldust; emaili; e-kaarti.

– Oskab lihtsast tekstist fakte ja spetsiifilist informatsiooni välja otsida; saab aru lihtsa teksti mõttest; saab aru lihtsast tekstist, mis käsitleb minevikusündmust.

– Oskab lihtsat kõnet kuulates fakte, spetsiifilist infot välja selekteerida; kuulamise järgi informatsiooni maha kirjutada


– Kathryn Alevizos & Suzanne Gaynor „Gold Experience A2“ Student’s Book 2nd Edition

– Kathryn Alevizos „Gold Experience A2“ Workbook 2nd Edition

–  Lisa Darrand „Gold Experience A2“  Teacher`s Book 2nd Edition

– Pearson Practice English App

– Teacher’s online resource materials

9) ÕPPEAINE NIMETUS: Gold Experience A2+

Õppeaine maht: 80 akadeemilist tundi (1 ak.t tunni pikkus 45 min)

Kontrolli vorm: lõputest

Õppe kestus: 9 kuud (september-mai)


Gold Experience A2+ kursuse eesmärgiks on:

– ette valmistada õpilasi rahvusvahelisteks inglise keele eksamiteks

– arendada sõnavara ning grammatilisi teadmisi

– arendada kommunikatiivseid oskusi läbi dialooge, monolooge, rollimänge ning vestlusringe

– luua õpilastes kindlustunne eksami-tüüpi ülesannete suhtes

– äratada huvi inglise keele õppimise vastu ning kujundada positiivset suhtumist selle keele vastu

– käsitleda mõningaid sotsiaalseid küsimusi ning teemasid, mis pakuvad huvi õpilastele ning panevad neid mõtlema ning arutama

– õpetada kuulama ja tajuma inglise keele kõla

– kujundada inglise keelele omast hääldust

– kaasata lapsevanemaid neile ajakohast teavet andes ning süvendada nende huvi keeleõpingute vastu


– jätkuvalt kasutatakse suulise eelnevuse printsiipi: seda, mida laps hakkab lugema ja kirjutama, omandatakse eelnevalt suulises kõnes. Kompleksselt arendatakse kõiki osaoskusi;

– õppimisprotsessis kasutatakse erinevaid töömeetodeid (paaris- ja rühmatöö, projekt, rollimäng, dramatiseering, intervjueerimine jms) ning meediavahendeid (video, online-materjalid);

– kuulamis- ja lugemisstrateegiate arendamine, töö sõnavaraga, sõnaraamatuga, aitavad õpilasel keelelist infot kiiremini ja kindlamalt meelde jätta.

– süvendatakse iseseisva õppimise oskust (õpitakse tundma erinevaid õpistrateegiaid, mis aitavad edaspidi iseseisvalt töötada).


Kõnearendus, kuulamis-, suhtlemisoskuste kujundamine (teemad):

Starter All about me


topic favourite objects;

task – matching

Grammar: this/that/these/those; be: present and past simple; subject and object pronouns; possessive adjectives; can/can’t; imperatives; question words

Vocabulary: objects and possessions


topic back to school;

task – matching


topic all about me;

task – asking and answering questions about personal information


topic – favourite objects;

task – online post

There’s no place like home


topic growing up happy;

skill finding specific information;

task identify correct sentences

Grammar: articles; some, any, (how) much, (how) many, all, a little, a few, a lot of

Vocabulary: around town: places and buildings


topic hanging out with friends;

skill listening for specific information;

task multiple choice (pictures)


topic family time;

skill planning what to say;

task describing a photo


topic what makes a place great;

skill note-taking and planning;

task article

Try something different


topic hobbies you can learn online;

skill recognising the purpose of a message or notice;

task multiple choice

Grammar: present simple and present continuous; subject and object questions

Vocabulary: collocations: practising and improving


topic is joining a club good for you?;

skill listening for detail; predicting information you are listening for;

task notes completion


topic games and free time activities;

skill discussing options; making suggestions; giving opinions;

task collaborative task


topic hobbies and personality;

skill using adjectives;

task online profile

Read all about it


topic railway to the rescue;

skill understanding text structure;

task gapped text

Grammar: past simple and past continuous; someone, anyone, nothing, everything, etc.

Vocabulary: adjectives, strong adjectives, adjective order


topic story slams;

skill listening for specific information and detailed meaning;

task multiple choice


topic something funny happened to me;

skill tenses; understanding a good model; planning;

task tell a story


topic short stories;

skill interesting the reader; planning;

task story

Live and learn


topic the School Enterprise Challenge;

skill answering a question about the whole text;

task multiple choice

Grammar: the future: plans and intentions (going to, present continuous, present simple); the future: predictions (will, may/might)

Vocabulary: ways of learning


topic schools: past, present and future;

skill understanding general meaning;

task multiple choice


topic meeting school friends;

skill making arrangements;

task long turn


topic school exchanges;

skill reading the task carefully; beginning and ending emails;

task email

Get the look!


topic improving your look;

skill finding specific information; understanding detail;

task multiple matching

Grammar: comparatives and superlatives; (not) as … as; too/enough; much/a lot/a bit + comparative, not quite as …. as

Vocabulary: describing appearance


topic shops that offer more than shopping;

skill listening for specific information;

task sentence completion


topic ways of shopping;

skill making guesses;

task describing a photo


topic app and website reviews

skill structuring and planning a review;

task review

The great outdoors


topic green spaces in the city;

skill understanding the writer’s feelings;

task multiple choice;

Grammar: modal verbs for rules; reflexive pronouns; it’s, there is / there are

Vocabulary: animals


topic the Great Green Wall;

skill recognising distractors;

task multiple choice (pictures)


topic wild camping;

skill comparing options; agreeing and disagreeing;

task collaborative task; follow-up questions


topic the natural world;

skill using collocations;

task article

Food for thought


topic restaurants that don’t take money;

skill understanding text structure;

task multiple choice

Grammar: relative clauses with who and which; adverbs of manner

Vocabulary: talking about food


topic food and eating;

skill listening for the main idea;

task multiple choice


topic preparing food;

skill dealing with unknown words;

task describing a photo


topic a food festival;

skill understanding the task; using the correct language;

task email

Getting away


topic holidays, summer camps;

skill matching meanings;

task multiple matching

Grammar: present perfect; present perfect with for and since

Vocabulary: travel and transport


topic moving to a different country;

skill matching meanings;

task multiple choice


topic things you travel with;

skill reaching agreement;

task collaborative task and discussion


topic a holiday story;

skill structuring a story; using adverbs;

task story

What’s your idea of fun?


topic low-tech teens;

skill understanding attitude, opinion and global meaning;

task multiple choice

Grammar: zero and first conditionals; verb-patterns: –ing and to– infinitive

Vocabulary: entertainment and technology


topic a comic convention;

skill listening for specific information;

task sentence completion


topic entertainment;

skill talking for a full minute;

task long turn


topic an invitation;

skill understanding the task; expanding notes; planning;

task email

Let’s celebrate!


topic birthday parties;

task multiple matching


topic festivals;

task multiple choice; sentence completion


topic celebrations;

task all parts


topic celebrations and festivals;

task all parts


Tegusõna: present and past simple; imperatives; present simple and present continuous; past simple and past continuous; the future – present continuous, present simple; modal verbs for rules; adverbs of manner; present perfect; verb patterns: -ing and to-infinitive

Nimisõna: subject and object questions; subject and object pronouns; reflexive pronouns

Omadussõna: comparatives and superlatives; possessive adjectives; strong adjectives; adjective order

Sõnavara: objects and possessions; places and buildings; collocations; appearance; animals; food; travel and transport; entertainment and technology



– Oskab rääkida endast, oma perekonnast, vaba aja tegevustest, kogemustest, ostudest, toidust, reisimisest, meelelahutusest; oskab teha plaane; nõustuda ja mittenõustuda

– Oskab kirjutada emaili, kutset, online postitust, artiklit, oma hobidest ja isiksusest, lühijuttu, arvustust

– Oskab tekstist spetsiifilist informatsiooni leida; saab aru sõnumi või teate otstarbest; saab aru teksti struktuurist; saab aru teksti detailidest, autori tunnetest; saab aru teksti hoiakust, arvamusest ja tähendusest.

– Oskab kuulates spetsiifilist infot välja selekteerida; ennustada informatsiooni, mida kuuleb; saab aru kuuldu mõttest


– Sheila Dignen & Amanda Maris „Gold Experience A2+“  Student’s Book 2nd Edition

– Sheila Dignen & Lynda Edwards „Gold Experience A2“ Workbook 2nd Edition

–  Sheila Dignen & Genevieve White „Gold Experience A2“ Teacher`s Book 2nd Edition

– Pearson Practice English App

– Teacher’s online resource materials


Õppeaine maht: 80 akadeemilist tundi (1 ak.t tunni pikkus 45 min)

Kontrolli vorm: lõputest

Õppe kestus: 9 kuud (september-mai)


  • Motiveerida ja kaasata õpilasi omandama keelt ja oskuseid, mida nad vajavad klassiruumis, eksamil ning elus väljaspool kooli
  • Laiendada õpilaste silmaringi maailma kohta ning lasta õpilastel tuua oma isiklikud kogemused inglise keele õppimisse
  • Valmistada õpilane ette inglise keele B1 eksamiks
  • Arendada õpilase inglise keele sõnavara ning enesekindlust inglise keeles suhtlemisel


– õppimisprotsessis kasutatakse erinevaid töömeetodeid (paaris- ja rühmatöö, projekt, rollimäng, dramatiseering, intervjueerimine jms) ning meediavahendeid (video, arvuti);

– kuulamis- ja lugemisstrateegiate arendamine, töö sõnavaraga, sõnaraamatuga, aitavad õpilasel keelelist infot kiiremini ja kindlamalt meelde jätta.

– Tekste ja arutlusteemasid on kergeid ja pentsikuid, mis annavad lõbu kuid ka keerukaid, mis panevad sügavamalt mõtlema


Kõnearendus, kuulamis-, suhtlemisoskuste kujundamine (teemad):


Happy Days


topic – a great day;

task – matching

Grammar: articles; past simple; comparative and superlative structures

Vocabulary: science, entertainment, the natural world, travel, free time


topic – holiday photos;

task – matching


topic – summer holidays;

task – collaborative task


topic – my personal best;

task – paragraph about an experience



topic – identities;

skill – matching information;

task – multiple matching

Grammar: present simple and present continuous; adverbs of frequency, time phrases

Vocabulary: personality adjectives; adjective + preposition collocations


topic – cities;

skill – understanding agreement and disagreement;

task – multiple choice


topic – giving personal information;

skill – giving reasons and examples;

task – introductions – social interaction


topic – a personal profile;

skill – getting started, reacting, finishing;

task – email

Get the message


topic – communication;

skill – understanding overall meaning;

task – multiple choice

Grammar: past simple and past continuous; -ing form

Vocabulary: language and communication; verb + preposition collocations


topic – a summer camp;

skill – predicting information;

task – sentence completion


topic – communicating;

skill – organising your description;

task – describing a photo


topic – mistakes;

skill – creating an atmosphere; using strong adjectives and adverbs;

task – story

The future is now


topic – the future of music;

skill – skim-reading a text;

task – gapped text

Grammar: the future: will, going to; present continuous; present simple; modal verbs for advice and suggestions

Vocabulary: technology in the home; phrasal verbs


topic – buying something new;

skill – identifying differences;

task – multiple choice (pictures)


topic – the future of technology;

skill – giving and asking for opinions, agreeing and disagreeing;

task – collaborative task and discussion


topic – living without technology;

skill – giving advice and making suggestions;

task – email

Taking part


topic – unusual sports;

skill – identifying phrases with similar meaning;

task – multiple matching

Grammar: present perfect; past simple and present perfect

Vocabulary: sport


topic – enjoying sport;

skill – listening for the question;

task – multiple choice


topic – watching and doing sport;

skill – saying when you are not sure;

task – describing a photo


topic – a new sport;

skill – linking ideas;

task – article

In the spotlight


topic – growing up in the spotlight;

skill – understanding what is being tested;

task – signs and notices; multiple choice

Grammar: zero; first and second conditionals; unless, in case, if I were you

Vocabulary: entertainment


topic – music;

skill – identifying agreement;

task – multiple choice


topic – live music;

skill – dealing with unknown words;

task – describing a photo


topic – an evening of entertainment;

skill – making positive comments, describing problems;

task – article

Down to earth


topic – our blue planet;

skill – referencing in a text;

task – gapped text

Grammar: the passive: present simple and past simple; have/get something done

Vocabulary: the natural world; order of adjectives


topic – young people who change the world;

skill – avoiding distractors;

task – multiple choice


topic – being environmentally friendly;

skill – turn-taking;

task – collaborative task


topic – a place to visit;

skill – thanking, inviting, aceepting, refusing;

task – email

Traveller’s tales


topic – ways of travelling;

skill – matching details;

task – multiple matching

Grammar: defining relative clauses; modals of obligation, prohibition and necessity

Vocabulary: travel; verb and noun forms


topic – travelling the world;

skill – identifying the type of information missing;

task – sentence completion


topic – travel problems;

skill – referring back to what someone said;

task – discussion


topic – holiday tips;

skill – creating interest;

task – article

Time out


topic – developing patience;

skill – finding synonyms;

task – multiple choice

Grammar: reported speech; indirect questions

Vocabulary: hobbies and interests


topic – unusual hobbies;

skill – avoiding distraction;

task – multiple choice (pictures)


topic – talent show;

skill – making and responding to suggestions;

task – collaborative task and discussion


topic – celebrity hobbies;

skill – paragraph openers;

task – article

Life experiences


topic – summer bucket list;

skill – identifying linking;

task – gapped text

Grammar: past perfect; used to

Vocabulary: feelings; –ed and –ing adjectives


topic – experiences;

skill – listening for advice;

task – multiple choice


topic – living on a desert island;

skill – describing likes and dislikes;

task – discussion


topic – a day out;

skill – ordering events;

task – story



topic – holiday jobs;

task – multiple choice; open cloze; multiple-choice cloze


topic – work experience;

task – notes completion; multiple choice


topic – various;

task – all parts


topic – various;

task – email; article; story            


Artiklid: indefinite (a/an); definite(the); uncountable/countable

Võrdlus:  as+adjective+as; not as + adjective + as; adjective + -er + than; more + adjective + than; the + adjective + -est; the most + adjective

Tegusõna:  past simple and past continuous; present simple and present continuous; the future: will, going to; Present perfect; past simple and present perfect; passiiv: present simple and past simple; verb + eessõna; otsene- ja kaudne kõneviis

Omadussõna: isiksust väljendavad omadussõnad; omadussõnade järjekord; –ed ja –ing lõpuga omadussõnad; omadussõna+eessõna



  • Saab enamjaolt aru põhilisest infost selges tavakõnes tuttaval teemal: töö, kool, vaba aeg jne. Saab enamasti aru aeglaselt ja selgelt edastatud raadio- või telesaadete põhisisust, kui need käsitlevad päevateemasid või talle huvitavaid teemasid.
  • Saab enamasti aru tekstidest, mis koosnevad sagedamini esinevatest sõnadest. Saab aru sündmuste, mõtete ja soovide kirjeldusest isiklikes kirjades.
  • Saab hakkama suhtlusolukorras maal, kus see keel on kasutusel. Oskab kaasa rääkida tuttaval, huvitaval või olulisel teemal: pere, hobid, töö, reisimine ja päevasündmused
  • Oskab lihtsate lausetega kirjeldada kogemusi, sündmusi, unistusi ja kavatsusi. Oskab lühidalt põhjendada ning selgitada lihtsate lausetega oma seisukohti ja plaane.
  • Oskab koostada lihtsat teksti tuttaval või talle huvi pakkuval teemal. Oskab kirjutada lihtsat isiklikku kirja, milles kirjeldab oma kogemusi ja muljeid.


– Elaine Boyd, Clare Walsh & Lindsay Warwick „Gold Experience B1“ Students’ Book 2nd Edition

– Lucy Frino & Lindsay Warwick „Gold Experience B1“ Workbook 2nd Edition

– Lynda Edwards & Lindsay Warwick „Gold Experience B1“ Teacher`s Book 2nd Edition

– Teachers online resources

– Pearson Practice English App


Õppeaine maht: 80 akadeemilist tundi (1 ak.t tunni pikkus 45 min)

Kontrolli vorm: lõputest

Õppe kestus: 9 kuud (september-mai)


  • Motiveerida ja kaasata õpilasi omandama keelt ja oskuseid, mida nad vajavad klassiruumis, eksamil ning elus väljaspool kooli
  • Laiendada õpilaste silmaringi maailma kohta ning lasta õpilastel tuua oma isiklikud kogemused inglise keele õppimisse
  • Arendada õpilase inglise keele sõnavara ning enesekindlust inglise keeles suhtlemisel
  • Tutvustada kaasahaaravaid ning mõtlemapanevaid teemasid ja motiive õpilastele
  • Julgustada õpilasi mõtisklema iseenda teadmistele ja kogemustele


– õppimisprotsessis kasutatakse erinevaid töömeetodeid (paaris- ja rühmatöö, projekt, rollimäng, dramatiseering, intervjueerimine jms) ning meediavahendeid (video, arvuti);

– kuulamis- ja lugemisstrateegiate arendamine, töö sõnavaraga, sõnaraamatuga, aitavad õpilasel keelelist infot kiiremini ja kindlamalt meelde jätta.

– Tekste ja arutlusteemasid on kergeid ja pentsikuid, mis annavad lõbu kuid ka keerukaid, mis panevad sügavalt mõtlema

– Osaliselt kasutatakse originaaltekste ja raadiosaateid, intervjuusid


Kõnearendus, kuulamis-, suhtlemisoskuste kujundamine (teemad):

Starter Fun times


topic – free-time activities

Grammar: prepositions

Listening: listen to short extracts about free-time activities

Speaking: interview a partner about favourite activities, plans, hopes and dreams

Writing: write a paragraph about yourself

The true you


topic – early morning activities;

skill – making inferences;

task – multiple matching

Grammar: present simple and continuous; present perfect simple and continuous

Vocabulary: follow your dreams; adjective ending in –able or –ible; compound nouns


topic – achievements;

skill – avoiding the obvious choice;

task – multiple choice


topic – getting to know each other;

skill – giving interesting answers;

task – interview


topic – city vs. countryside;

skill – giving a reason, explaining a result;

task – opinion essay

You’ll never believe this …


topic – weird stories;

skill – checking options against the text;

task – multiple choice

Grammar: past tenses; comparative and superlative forms: adjectives and adverbs

Vocabulary: describing things; strong adjectives, phrases; adverbs


topic – avoiding telling the truth;

skill – managing the task, using the first and second listening;

task – multiple matching


topic – challenging activities and situations;

skill – describing similarities and differences;

task – long turn


topic – when things go wrong;

skill – using interesting language;

task – story

The world around us


topic – Jaime’s farm;

skill – understanding text coherence and cohesion;

task – gapped text

Grammar: future forms; so, such, too, enough

Vocabulary: food and transport; phrases with make and do; identical verbs and nouns; phrasal verbs


topic – hip-hop environmentalist;

skill – listening for gist/detail;

task – sentence completion


topic – eco-friendly activities;

skill – getting ideas, expressing agreement and preference;

task – collaborative task


topic – solutions for the future, the way forward;

skill – organising your article, using topic sentences;

task – article

Make it happen


topic – teenage athletes in Jamaica;

skill – identifying key words;

task – multiple choice

Grammar: modal verbs 1; modal verbs 2

Vocabulary: relationships; adjectives + preposition; word formation: adjectives


topic – making up your mind;

skill – rewording questions;

task – multiple matching


topic – doing something together;

skill – expressing opinions;

task – discussion


topic – happiness and satisfaction;

skill – contrasting and summarising;

task – essay

Lessons for life


topic – video games in class;

skill – using linking words as clues;

task – gapped text

Grammar: defining and non-defining relative clauses; reduced relative clauses

Vocabulary: learning skills, learning phrasal verbs; money; uncountable nouns


topic – money management;

skill – predicting answers;

task – multiple choice


topic – life skills;

skill – justifying your opinion;

task – collaborative task


topic – new activities at school;

skill – using informal and semi-formal register;

task – semi-formal letter



topic – technology that will give you superpowers;

skill – focusing on the meaning of a section of text;

task – multiple matching

Grammar: infinitives and –ing forms; quantifiers and pronouns

Vocabulary: science; -ic/-al adjective endings; -or/-er noun endings; verbs beginning with dis-/re-


topic – inventions inspired by nature;

skill – extracting key details;

task – sentence completion


topic – science and technology;

skill – giving two sides to an answer;

task – discussion


topic – film;

skill – dramatic present tenses;

task – review

Home and away


topic – alternative living spaces;

skill – using reference words;

task – gapped text

Grammar: conditionals(0-3); wishes, preferences and regrets

Vocabulary: living accommodation and furnishings; synonyms and antonyms; prepositions


topic – learning languages;

skill – listening for positive or negative ideas and opinions;

task – multiple matching


topic – talking about yourself;

skill – giving information about yourself;

task – interview


topic – description of a visit to a place;

skill – using appropriate informal register;

task – informal email

What’s in a number?


topic – huge numbers;

skill – guessing unknown language;

task – multiple choice

Grammar: the passive; have/get something done

Vocabulary: maths, nouns with -tion, -sion, -ment; countable and uncountable nouns


topic – challenges;

skill – focusing on key words;

task –multiple choice


topic – competition;

skill – paraphrasing;

task – long turn


topic – privacy;

skill – using adverbs of comment;

task – essay

Express yourself


topic – creative arts events;

skill – using synonymous phrases to find the correct answer;

task – multiple matching

Grammar: reported speech; reporting questions, orders and requests

Vocabulary: visual arts, collocations; live entertainment


topic – performing arts school;

skill – focusing on meaning;

task – multiple choice


topic – work experience;

skill – managing a discussion;

task – collaborative task


topic – the Edinburgh festivals;

skill – organising a review, using interesting language;

task – review

Learning from the past


topic – the woolly mammoth;

skill – understanding text cohesion in an article;

task – gapped text


topic – the Maya civilisation;

skill – extracting key words and phrases from a presentation;

task – sentence completion


topic – history;

skill – answering questions on a topic, comparing photos, discussing a topic;

task – interview; long turn; collaborative task; discussion


topic – stories, my favourite room;

skill – writing a short story, writing a reply to an email, writing an article;

task – story; email or article


Võrdlevad ja ülivõrdelised vormid: omadussõnad ja määrsõnad

Tegusõna: Present simple and continuous; present perfect simple and continuous; minevikuvormid; tuleviku vormid; modaalverbid; suhteline klausel; passiiv; kaudne kõne; ühendtegusõnad

Omadussõna: omadussõnad, mis lõpevad –able või – ible; tugevad omadussõnad, fraasid; sõnamoodustus;

Nimisõna: liitsõnad; identsed nimi- ja tegusõnad; loendamatud nimisõnad; nimisõnad lõpuga –or/ -er; sünonüümid, antonüümid; nimisõnad –tion, -sion, -ment



  • Saab aru põhilisest infost selges tavakõnes tuttaval teemal: töö, kool, vaba aeg jne. Saab aru aeglaselt ja selgelt edastatud raadio- või telesaadete põhisisust, kui need käsitlevad päevateemasid või talle huvitavaid teemasid.
  • Saab aru tekstidest, mis koosnevad sagedamini esinevatest sõnadest. Saab aru sündmuste, mõtete ja soovide kirjeldusest isiklikes kirjades.
  • Saab enamasti keelega hakkama maal, kus see on kasutusel. Oskab ettevalmistuseta vestelda tuttaval, huvitaval või olulisel teemal: pere, hobid, töö, reisimine ja päevasündmused
  • Oskab lihtsate seostatud lausetega kirjeldada kogemusi, sündmusi, unistusi ja kavatsusi. Oskab lühidalt põhjendada ning selgitada oma seisukohti ja plaane. Oskab edasi anda jutu, raamatu ja filmi sisu ning kirjeldada oma muljeid.
  • Oskab koostada lihtsat seostatud teksti tuttaval või talle huvi pakkuval teemal. Oskab kirjutada isiklikku kirja, milles kirjeldab oma kogemusi ja muljeid.


– Fiona Beddall & Megan Roderick „Gold Experience B1+“ Students’ Book 2nd Edition

– Rhiannon Ball & Helen Chilton „Gold Experience B1+“ Workbook 2nd Edition

– Elayne Boyd „Gold Experience B1+“ Teacher`s Book 2nd Edition

– Teachers online resources

– Pearson Practice English App